Tuesday, September 2, 2008

dont mess with my bro!!

today.. in the morning i was coughing blood due to my tonsils.. but i still went to school because i do not want to miss add maths.. after add maths.. i phoned my brother to pick me up to go to clinic.. we went to clinic and pay for the med bill.. when i was in the car with my brother.. my brother's annoying admirer called him.. she always taught that my bro likes her.. but my bro doesnt.. this is what she got from my brother for being to annoying.. *the conversation was in bm(shah alam accent)*

admirer: hey awak dengan saper tu?!! dgn pompuan lain eh ( look how annoying she is.. she is not even my bro gf)

my bro: asal tibe2 timbul masalah..takder masalah jangan lah bagi ada
masalah... (my bro was really annoyed this time)

admirer: tadi saye dengar sore pompuan mase awak angkat fon.

my bro: tu adik saye lah awak.. adik saye tgh sakit tekak berdarah tau tak ..

admirer: awak jangan nak tipu.. saye tau lah tu bukan suara adik awak.. ( this has already burn my brother.. my brothers face was so red)

my great bro: awak nie apehal?!!! saye ambik adik saye sebab dier sakit.. takkan saye nak bagi dier sakit. awak nie gila eyhh.. sebab awak boring awak saje nak timbulkan masalah kan.. saje sebab takde hiburan la
in kan.. yer lah ikut perangai anak sakai.. puak sakai kan takde hiburan.. duduk dalam hutan... duduk diam2 lepas tu sentap rambut kakak dier.. itulah dunia hiburan diorang kan..

admirer: saye cume tanyer jer..jangan lah marah2..

my bro: itu bukan tanye awak... itu nak bagi saye sakit kepala tengah panas.. awak mmg takde keje kan..saje je bagi orang sakit hati.. ape kater awak gigit tisu duduk kat penjuru bilik lepas tu lambai kat polis kalau awak takde keje sangat.. jangan kacau saye..

and he off the fon..

the admire taught that she could mess with my bro.. but at the end... my bro told evrything in her face.. thats the result for being too annoying..

selamat berpose*

2/9/08-was taken when i was in clinic.. dr tu lambat... :(

1 comment:

Unknown said...

eih. perempuan saiko.

i am very innocent

i am very innocent